Sleep, Wake-up Naturally


You’re not alone if you struggle waking up in the morning. Laura has worked with hundreds of people just like you who want to wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day, if only they could! She helped them, and she will help you with this specially designed self-hypnosis session called Sleep, Wake Up Naturally.

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There are people who wake up and pop out of bed feeling rested and refreshed – even without an alarm clock – and then there’s you. You hit the snooze button over and over, put the pillow over your head and grumble as you climb out of bed one toe at a time. If this sounds familiar, start listening to Laura’s Sleep, Wake Up Naturally self-hypnosis tonight and find out what it feels like to wake up naturally!

Laura explains how Sleep, Wake Up Naturally self-hypnosis works, “To let your mind quite itself, I take you from the Beta part of the brain into Alpha with the sound of my voice relaxing you. I use visualization techniques which help you enjoy the Alpha dreamy state. Finally, you drift and let yourself go even deeper into the Theta and Delta part of your mind which is deep sleep. Once you achieve deep sleep your mind and body will also be hypnotized to wake-up and be energized in the morning for a successful day ahead.”

If you have a problem waking-up or getting yourself out of bed, Laura’s Sleep, Wake Up Naturally self-hypnosis will allow you to get a great night sleep and wake up refreshed. Why wait another day? Downloading the MP3 of Sleep, Wake Up Naturally self-hypnosis is as easy as clicking the mouse. Put it on your MP3 player and take Laura with you on vacation, or business trips to help you relax as you go to sleep and wake up naturally, feeling great.