Complete Cheerleading Series


This series will teach you how to let go of stress and fully enjoy every aspect of cheering. By improving your concentration and ability to release anxiety, you will have a happy and successful experience. Save over $50.00! Buy this 6 MP3 series and receive a BONUS MP3  – Exercise.

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When your confidence is low, too much mental energy is wasted on second-guessing your own cheerleading talents & abilities. You need to change your mental programming about cheerleading to being confident. Outside noises from the crowd, or even unrelated concerns from your personal life can distract you. Learn to turn off all distractions and focus on the task at hand. It can also be all too easy to let your mind wander during cheerleading once you feel you’ve mastered it, and Laura will help you get anchored to stay in the competition mentally.

The Awesome Cheerleading program is a series of 6 MP3s designed specifically for cheerleader athletes. Order now to experience the benefits of hypnosis in the privacy and comfort of your home. There’s only one way to guarantee that you will achieve peak performance in cheering: you must use the power of your subconscious mind.

“The underlying principle behind the Awesome Cheerleading Series is that the more relaxed and confident you are as an athlete and performer, the more you enjoy what you are doing. Thus, the more you will enjoy cheering and the more successful you will be.” – Laura

Laura’s Awesome Cheerleading self-hypnosis series is a six-point program designed to help the cheerleader become more relaxed while performing and competing. The more relaxed you are with your ability, the better prepared you will be to achieve your goals. Listening to this hypnosis for cheerleading series will teach you how to let go of stress and fully enjoy every aspect of cheerleading. By improving your concentration and ability to release anxiety, you will have a happy and successful cheerleading experience. Victory is yours.