“Laura King and her hypnotherapy has been an enormously impactful and important part of my successful career and personal life. Whether you are looking for help with your own issues or those of others with whom you have a relationship, Laura is the very best in the business!” - Robert Dover, 6 time Olympian with 4 bronze medals. Coach of Canadian Olympic Team and US Olympic Team, Bronze in Rio and Silver Team and Individual medals in 2018 WEG’s

“I am so very grateful to have Laura King as my mental coach!She has given me the confidence and tools to navigate myself to performing at a top level not only in the arena but, also in life. I look forward to my brain tune-ups with Laura knowing that I always leave more relaxed, laser focused and confident!” - Susan Dutta, 2002 Championships of the Americas Team Gold Medalist and Individual Gold Medalist, Short listed for the US Dressage Team for the 2021 Olympic Games.

Laura helps you understand what’s going on in your mind when you’re performing well and when you aren’t… It’s amazing!” -Margie Goldstein-Engle, 10-time American Grand Prix Rider of the year, 2003 Pan American Games Gold Medalist For US Jumping Team, 1999 Pan Am Games Silver Medalist US Jumping Team, Winner of 6 World Cups, 20 Nations Cups and World record high jump of 7 feet and 8 ¾ inches.

"Laura King is remarkable. She has worked with my youth at theWinter Intensive Training Program for 8 years. Her generosity of spirit and ability to relate to every possible situation has been demonstrated over and over. The talks she has given to D4K’s adults, teachers and trainers, as well as youth are always a favorite (because of her presentation and how useful they are)." - Lendon Gray, United States Dressage Federation, Founder of Dressage For Kids, 5-time Gold Medalist at the U.S Olympic Festival, Congressional Gold Medalist, and USDF Hall of Fame Inductee.

“I have worked with Laura King for the past 10 years, our work together has continued to propel me as a better rider, trainer and competitor. And now with her Power to Win program online everyone has the opportunity to take their riding , showing and life to the next level.” - Endel Ots, International Dressage Trainer & Competitor, 3-time US Festival of Champions National Champion, USDF Gold Medalist, Named to the US Pan American Games Team 2019, Pan Am Games Team Alternate 2011

“Laura King has given me tools that focus my brain to achieve better performance and confidence. I have learned Practices and processes I use myself and can teach to my students of all levels for higher quality training and life. Hypnosis helps me reach a clearer balance and train my brain as I do my body.” - Devon Kane, Grand Prix Competitor USDF Gold Medalist, NAJYRC individual Gold Medalist, team Bronze Medalist.
“Your dynamic presentation to the WCC “Turning Points for Phenomenal Women” captivated the audience. You had them laughing, you had them crying. We appreciate your contribution!”
--WCC Chair
“I wanted to let you know that the two sessions I had with you produced great results. My speech was delivered with confidence and without nervous feelings. Thanks for all your help! I am now that confident speaker that I always wanted to be.”
“Laura’s sales motivation CD has helped me to visualize and achieve my financial goals. I am completely fascinated by her ease in getting to the root of my stumbling blocks and helping me to lift them and move on.”
“When disappointment comes, which it does in sales, I don’t go into a depression or act out. I just gear up for the next sale. Laura’s sales motivation CD has helped me visualize and achieve my financial goals.”
“The Fearless Showing CD helped me immensely to relieve my extreme nervousness in the ring. I felt very at ease and so did my dog.”
“I hadn’t even realized how much tension I was holding in my shoulders until my arms suddenly felt like they were two inches longer. My horse is a sensitive mare and she responded by becoming less “quick” and more attentive. Thanks, Laura.”
“Great self-esteem, confidence and concentration! Thanks, Laura!”
“As a trainer, I have a student who fears paralyses at shows but performs wonderfully at home. I believe that I may have found the answer with you. I am so very excited about your CDs and I hope so very much that this will be the solution for my fearful student. Thanks again for doing what you do!”
“Laura King’s Relaxation CD was originally purchased to help me in my pursuit of peak riding performance. Much to my surprise, I gained an unexpected benefit. I found a long lost person – myself! Hypnosis opened some gates that had been locked-up for years. With Laura’s wonderful help, I rediscovered some things I really liked about my life and myself. What a discovery! Thanks.”
“I work with a lot of adult amateurs who are new to Dressage and/or competition. Your products have been an excellent addition to my efforts to help them make the most of their lessons and to be more comfortable competing.”
“I just wanted you to know what excellent results I’ve seen in my riding since we met three weeks ago at WEF. My trainer and I stand amazed. I have more polish, self-confidence and accuracy. I can’t tell you how much of a blessing you have been to me.
“Thank you so much for all your help. Your kindness, caring support and strength really made a difference in my life. Becoming a top rider means the world to me and I appreciate the positive push to make it through this crucial step in Wellington. You go far and beyond and are such an inspiration.”
“Your self-hypnosis products were eminently valuable in that they enabled me to relax my mind and body sufficiently to achieve peak performance under the most stressful competitive conditions. I salute you Laura for helping so many of us competitors to ride our best!”
“Great self-esteem, confidence and concentration. Thanks, Laura!”
“Your self-hypnosis products were eminently valuable in that they enabled me to relax my mind and body sufficiently to achieve peak performance under the most stressful competitive conditions. I salute you Laura, for helping to enable so many of us competitors to ride our best!”
“I had a serious concussion from riding in 2/03. I then had 3 or 4 visits with Laura. After 8 weeks from the first visit, I was jumping 3’6 to 3’9 with all my original self-confidence. I am now showing again and riding better than ever!”
“I have found your Positive Thinking CD to be especially helpful since I deal with this issue all the time! Yes, I can see an improvement. I bring your CDs to shows – you know they get a workout there! But it’s worth it. Last year I won 15 High – score awards. Thanks!”
“Thank you for all your help, you have so positively impacted my life. What you were able to help me bring out in my riding is amazing. I continue to reach toward Grand Prix’s this year. You are like an angel in my life.”
“For years I worked obsessively on the technical side of my riding and couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t improving very much. Your CDs showed me that preparing mentally for competition is just as important if you want to take your riding to the next level … and I finally feel like I’m riding my best.”
Your self-hypnosis products were eminently in that they enabled me to relax my mind and body to sufficiently to achieve peak performance under the most stressful competitive conditions. I salute you Laura for helping enable so many of us competitors to ride our best.”
“I can’t say enough about the great results I had after just 4 sessions with Laura King. I came to see her because of my fear of closed spaces and fear of flying. She cured me!! In the past two months I took not one, but two flights with no fear! The best part about it is that I took these flights alone!
“Thank you for your help with my wife and daughter. I watched you on Rachel Ray yesterday and must admit that when you started counting backwards, I nodded off! We all fall asleep every night with your CDs so we are familiar with your voice and relaxation message. Thanks again for all that you have done for our family!”
“I don’t think I would be where I am today physically and emotionally without your help. I thank you so much for everything that you have done and look forward to my sessions with you. You are one of God’s miracles to me.”
“Just wanted to thank you for taking time to see me. Your compassion and understanding make it easy to see why your good at what you do. I am going to continue to work on positive thoughts and healing. Thanks!”
“You are a very kind, unique, caring, special human being. I sincerely appreciate and thank you for your friendship and want you to know that you are more than outstanding in the positive ways you influence and change so many lives!”
“Just in three short sessions we have had thus far, you have given me new inspiration to move forward, knowing that in any path I wish to take, any perceived limitations I may have are quickly dropping one by one. My world is beginning to bloom again with vibrant colors”
“Thank you for the relaxing hypnosis session. It was very enjoyable!
“Every night you comfort me. Every morning you greet me with words of encouragement and motivation. This week I lost my first “child” (a dear friend’s son); he was killed in an automobile accident. Your CDs helped me enormously. I would have plummeted into a dark abyss of grief and despair without you. Thanks for all your help.”
“After struggling for several years with the grief of my husband’s death, I was able to sleep through the night – night after night. I felt better physically and gradually began to recover a sense of optimism.
--M.M. C. Ph.D.
“After listening to the first CD, my anxiety level decreased dramatically and continued to do so as I continued to listen. It really helped. The surgery was a huge success and I am on my way to a full recovery.
--Dr. Richard Cohen, Ross College of Education
"Not a day goes by that your beautiful smile comes to me. Hope you know how much you did for me. I am who and where I am today because of you and Dr McKeen. Thanks for the new tape. Trying to work on it and having fun giving it a try."
I took the GMAT’s 3 times and failed the test 3 times. When I confided in my friend that I was a nervous wreck when it came to taking tests, and that I would continue to fail the exam if I didn’t calm down, she asked if I had ever tried self-hypnosis. I had no idea what she was talking about. I was skeptical but decided to give it a try. I ordered your LEARN Series and listened to one CD a night, alternating CDs for two months straight before going to bed. Just listening to the CDs was a calming experience. I started to see what my friend was raving about. Even when I sat down to take the practice exams, I noticed that I was focused and calm. I couldn’t believe it, but I was getting more and more answers correct. After two months of intensive studying and listening to your CDs my test scored changed. I finally passed! I couldn’t believe it. Thank you again!”
“I can honestly say that listening to your CDs changed my law school experience. My grades went from a 2.6 average the first year to a 3.5 average the second year. I graduated with a 3.7 and I passed the Florida
Bar exam on the first attempt while working full time. I loved using your LEARN Series. I recommend these CDs to anyone who is experiencing studying difficulties. Thank you so much for sharing them with me. I couldn’t have done it without you.
I couldn’t concentrate when I studied and I developed some serious testing anxiety. I heard about your LEARN Series and ordered them online. What a difference! My grades improved exponentially. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I have been listening to Laura King’s Public Speaking CD and I truly do feel a difference! I notice that even in large groups and certainly with radio interviews going out LIVE, I wasn’t nervous at all – normally, even the thought of opening my mouth in front of a large group would have made me crazy! I’m looking forward to starting Laura’s series on exercise.”
“Much to my surprise, I gained an unexpected benefit. I found a long lost person; myself. My newly found ability to relax, opened gates that had been locked up for years. With Laura’s wonderful help, I rediscovered some things I really liked about my life and myself. What a discovery.”
“I have found the Positive Thinking CD to be especially helpful since I deal with this all the time. Yes, I can see improvement.”
“Thank you seems so totally inadequate to say – but thank you! As you know my husband was a real skeptic, but Tuesday night he slept through the night for the first time in two years, and the following night he slept too! He is now a believer and I think you are terrific!”
“I had a tremendous unexpected benefit from my hypnosis session with you – I’m sleeping soundly! It’s been a long time since I could say that! I really feel like myself again.”
“Laura King has saved my life and job by helping me to sleep at night. I listen to my Sleep Wonderfully CD every night which allows me to wake up happy and delicious instead of grumpy.”
“It’s been years since I purchased your Stop Smoking CD and I wanted to let you know I am still smoke free to this day. Thank you Laura!”
“Since our Stop Smoking sessions, I’ve managed to lose 3 pounds and the best part is that I’ve realized that I am actually happier because I’m not upset with myself about gaining weight I usually do when I quit.”
“This evening I played a tough inter-county match and played with greater confidence and consistency. The most noticeable shift was in my serve. I serve fairly hard and ten to double fault; not one single one last night! Yeh! Hopefully tennis will never be the same again with you sitting on my shoulder”
“I wanted to let you know how much your Keys to Winning for Life CD has helped me. I used it for Motocross racing and it worked for me and I an IMCA SportMod in Iowa. I never finished better that seventh before I got and listened to your CD. I have gotten two top 5s and a SECOND PLACE FINISH!!! Thank You So Much.”
“We can’t thank you enough for what you have done for our son. We knew from the first minute we met you that you were a special, caring person. God bless you for allowing our son to live out his dream! He hit out to center field his first time out at bat!
“Wanted to let you know that the Stop Bedwetting CD worked beautifully for my son, he went to camp and there were NO accidents!”
--Camille 2007
“Your product has genuinely helped someone in a crisis
you can give one the tools to calmly endure losing an entire life to Katrina, just imagine how well they must work in everyday stress management. Keep up the good work.”
“I bought Healthy Eating for Weight Loss and it has changed my life. At the end of this week I will be at eight weeks and I have lost 30lbs! I feel great and am starting to look again! I really appreciate your products.”
“I currently have five of your mp3s downloaded and LOVE them. I feel so refreshed and happy when I’m done listening to them. I am looking forward to listening to the weight loss CDs and hope they will finally be the tool that helps me with my weight loss!”
“Since our hypnosis session, I’ve managed to lose 3 pounds, and the best part is that I’ve realized that I’m actually happier because I’m not upset with myself about gaining weight.”
“I just wanted to drop you a quick note and tell you how much I have appreciated and learned from you. I can honestly say you believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I have been listening to your CDs and exercising a lot and will be married a thin bride! Thanks Laura!
“Laura, The Soup to Nuts Weight Loss workshop was amazing and just what I was looking for in a weight loss program. Your generosity in sharing the scripts for the entire program is amazing and I CANNOT thank you enough. Thank you for the generous discounts in ordering your products from the convention. What a very SPECIAL treat that you included a copy of Perfect Enough with my order; it is a treasure for sure. Thank you so very, very much for your kindness and generosity.
I am new in the field of hypnosis, and I look forward to studying with you in future courses and seminars. You have already made a huge difference in my life!”
“I love the “Do It All” CD. IU respond really well to the balance on that particular CD between the music and your voice.”