

With Laura’s Passing, self-hypnosis session you will find the internal peace within yourself to guide you through this final stage in life.

SKU: 838 Category:


Passing is a natural stage in life that cannot be denied. The main goal during this stage in life is to find peace of mind with the world. This is a time to resolve issues, reach out to loved ones, forgive, and cherish.

Laura’s Passing self-hypnosis session is designed to give you the energy and peace that will enable you embrace the process of passing. This session will teach you to accept what you must and will provide you with the courage to begin your process of passing. During this session Laura guides you on a journey on the path within yourself that leads to your own truth. While on your journey you will learn forgiveness, gratitude, and peace. These lessons will give you the gift of being able to accept where you are in life.

With Laura’s Passing, self-hypnosis session you will find the internal peace within yourself to guide you through this final stage in life. Download our flyer here!

This item is part of the Moving Through Illness Complete Series. Click here to purchase the complete series.