Overcoming Negative Repetitive Behavior


Compulsive behavior patterns can interfere with normal living and often cause severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and even one’s school or work environment. Let Laura help change the pattern with her Overcoming Negative Repetitive Behavior self-hypnosis recording.

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Laura’s Overcoming Negative Repetitive Behavior self-hypnosis session teaches your subconscious mind to overcome negative repetitive behaviors using visualization and relaxation techniques. Overcome Negative Repetitive Behaviors self-hypnosis will help you let go of useless, unneeded habits and fears and begin to trust in your life right now. Become more balanced, fulfilled, and relaxed on a daily basis.

Laura uses direct suggestions to break the Negative Repetitive Behaviors, you will release and forgive what is not working in your life and become more fulfilled just being yourself. Let Laura help you help yourself with Overcoming Negative Repetitive Behavior self-hypnosis.