Mastering Fear Tennis


Fear can keep you from playing your best tennis, but you can overcome it! Listen to Laura’s Mastering Fear Tennis self-hypnosis regularly and transform the voice of past fears in to winning self-talk. Remember what newly elected President Roosevelt said, “…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes…” Release that fear and be free to perform at your best!

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Internal voices of fear deter tennis players from success. when the mind creates a fear, learning and progress can be immobilized. listening to Mastering Fear self-hypnosis will consistently transform the voice of past fears and failures on the tennis court into positive, empowering self-talk by bringing the subconscious mind into harmony and balance with the conscious mind. during this self-hypnosis session you will be led through a visualization exercise to release the negativity of fear. president Roosevelt once said, “…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes…” Release that fear and be free to perform at your best!

Start listening today with our easy to download MP3 of Mastering Fear self-hypnosis for the tennis player.

This item is part of the Complete Awesome Tennis Series. Click here to purchase the complete series.