Letting Go of an Eating Disorder (3 MP3s)


Eating disorders can start at an early age, and may start as innocently as eating smaller or larger quantities of food. At some point, however, the urge to eat less or more spiraled out of control, and/or your concern about your body weight and shape became severe distress. Your eating disorder affects every area of your life, and it is time take the action of Letting Go of Eating Disorders. Laura created a series of three self-hypnosis sessions that will help you let go of your eating disorder and live a happy and fulfilling life again.

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Laura’s Letting Go of Eating Disorder self-hypnosis series contains three self-hypnosis sessions that take you through a gradual step-by-step program utilizing visualization and relaxation techniques designed to help individuals let go of their eating disorder. Listen to each self-hypnosis session 21 times before moving on to the next one. The three self-hypnosis sessions are:

1. The Desire to Be Healthy self-hypnosis session allows the listener to uncover and release the self-sabotaging thought patterns created by their eating disorder (ED). Unrealistic expectations of perfectionism will be replaced with a desire to stop binging and purging.
2. The Healthy Eating for Body & Self self-hypnosis session then addresses ED’s distortion of body image and allows the listener to practice honest self-acceptance and self-care.
3. Finally, the Stop Binging & Purging self-hypnosis session works to break the habit connections between triggering events, situations and feelings linked to the destructive behavior.

You will see a new you emerge as a new identity is nurtured through this Letting Go of Eating Disorder self-hypnosis series – an identity of a healthy, happy person who is a non-binger and non-purger. Develop an understanding of your ability to choose a healthy, balanced lifestyle. It is as easy as listening to a relaxing 30 minute recording every night as you go to sleep.

Take control of your life starting today with our easy to download MP3 self-hypnosis sessions.