Focus and Positive Thinking for Competition Live Clinic DVD 202


In this clinic you will learn to erase the anxieties in your subconscious mind and become more successful in lessons and in the show ring by improving your powers of concentration. The presentation is designed for focusing on the preparation of a good ride, where distractions inside your head are non-existent and outside distractions do not register.



In this clinic you will learn to erase the anxieties in your subconscious mind, and gain more confidence in your abilities. Gain the tools to enable yourself to reach the highest level of performance. Completely tune into your horse and focus on the quality of what you are doing at that moment. Enhance the connection between you and your horse by learning techniques that physically and mentally relax your body. Become more successful in lessons and in the show ring by improving your powers of concentration. The release of muscle tension will be sensed by your horse which will result in a peaceful, rhythmic and harmonious ride.  Nervous horses will no longer be a challenge as you will be more calm, comfortable and centered.  You will come to notice that distractions in your head begin to disappear and outside distractions do not register.  You’ll gain focus, concentration, confidence and build self-esteem which will ultimately improve your riding skills.  In addition, you will create habits that allow you to be in control of your own performance.

Just outside the limits of your thinking, conscious mind is a quiet, inner part of yourself-your subconscious mind. It is the feeling mind; and it contains your emotional patterns, attitudes, habits and how you picture yourself.  Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are a product of the images that are placed and stored in your subconscious mind.