Complete Wealth Building Series


The Corporate Series is a 6-lesson series that helps you become a better public speaker, to increase your sales and to become more motivated at work and in your personal life – making you more valuable as an employee. Save over $120.00! Buy this 6 MP3 series and receive a BONUS MP3 – Self Confidence (Self Image Series). Total value: $190.00.

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The Complete Wealth Building Self-Hypnosis Series teaches you how to aspire to be the best that you can be by capitalizing on your strengths. Your self-confidence will soar as you listen to each of the hypnosis for success and hypnosis for wealth building recordings. Laura’s self-hypnosis sessions are designed to relax you into a very receptive state where your subconscious mind readily receives messages and makes changes.

Your subconscious mind is responsible for all of your daily “habitual” actions like walking, getting dressed, or driving. The subconscious mind is said to be responsible for up to 92% of all of our daily actions, so imagine the profound effect making changes at this level will have on your life.

The self-hypnosis recordings in Wealth Building Self-Hypnosis allow you to:

  • Wake up every day motivated to be your best
  • Remain relaxed and calm in all situations
  • Speak in front of groups with ease
  • Improve your memory
  • Accept prosperity and success as a way of life


Listen regularly for greater results.  Consider adding Laura’s latest Prosperity Conscious & Subliminal Affirmations to your daily listening regimen for even more rapid change. Live the life of your dreams with Laura’s Complete Wealth Building self-hypnosis series.