Complete Keys to Winning Equestrian Series


Laura’s Keys to Winning for the Equestrian self-hypnosis series was created by equestrians, for equestrians.
Buy her book “The Power To Win” to read along with this purchase and enhance your training to be your personal best.  Click here to purchase
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Listening to Laura’s self-hypnosis sessions specially designed for the equestrian rider will help you relax on your horse, gain riding confidence, cast away your fears and self-doubt, and sharpen your competitive concentration. This innovative and wildly popular equestrian training aid will revitalize your riding experience by eliminating any mental or subconscious barriers to complete mastery of your equestrian sport.

It is an effective tool that has helped countless equestrian riders of all levels and all disciplines to achieve greatness.


  • Basic Relaxation for the Equestrian Rider
  • Fearless Showing and Jumping
  • Peak Performance for the Equestrian Rider
  • Release of Performance Anxiety
  • Gaining Concentration for the Equestrian Rider
  • Positive Self-Talk for the Equestrian Rider

Laura’s Keys to Winning for the Equestrian series will help you relax on your horse, gain riding confidence, cast away your fears and self-doubt, and sharpen your competitive concentration. Click on each product below for more information.

Release equestrian sports performance anxiety and give yourself permission to win!

Research has shown that physical stamina accounts for just 20% of sports performance while the remaining 80% is attributed to mental stamina. Equestrian sports hypnosis can give you the mental and physical edge you need to ride your very best every time you enter the ring or event course. By learning to automatically relax your body and remain calm and focused throughout your ride, you’ll become more in tune with your horse and better able to guide him/her to achieve peak performance.

Equestrian sports hypnosis can also help you let go of past failures, build confidence in your riding abilities, and trust your horse’s natural athletic talent to clear a course of fences, perform a complicated pattern, or successfully navigate a complex obstacle.

Don’t Let All Your Training, All Your Practice Go To Waste – Prepare Your Mind As Well As Your Body… Click Here to Read More About Equestrian Self Hypnosis