The Power To Win
The Power To Win is a personal coaching companion to your equestrian training. You already have everything you need within you. Power to Win will remind you, quiet the storm, and keep you focused on your personal best!
- Laura Boynton King, CHt. NLP, Life Coach
Course Clinics
Self-Hypnosis MP3s and Affirmations
The Power to Win E-book,Audiobook and Companion Journal
.....AND MORE!!

Emotional Intelligence for Trainers & Coaches
What if I told you that the only thing standing in your way of being the best trainer you can be, and getting your students to their peak performance level, was your own mind? And what if I told you it was EASY to change the framework of your mind that’s making you stand in your own way? Well, it is! But you need the right tools, and you need to know how to use them.
This course contains videos, self-hypnosis MP3s, and a wealth of reading materials to facilitate your journey as a top-notch trainer. Laura will show you how hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), and the right mindset will get you exactly where you want to be. Let Laura be your guide to achieving all your Equestrian trainer goals – and don’t be surprised if your newfound confidence, knowledge, poise, commitment, and level of ease in your day-to-daypractices spills over into all facets of your life! You are more than capable, and you are worth it!