Laura King is a renowned Certified Hypnotist, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Life Coach, Author, Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, and  Sports Performance Coach. Laura has been helping people heal their minds and bodies for over 25 years.

She is the founder and president of Summit Dynamics, LLC, a consulting service dedicated to helping people attain their goals through life and sports coaching, Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis and NLP. An enthusiastic and accomplished equestrian and expert on self-improvement and positive behavior modification, Laura has helped hundreds of athletes achieve their personal best goals.

Fun with the successful and fabulous Laura K at her 40 Over 40 Campaign portrait session. Photography by LuAnn Warner-Prokos at Warner-Prokos Photography

Laura was trained at the Omni Hypnosis Training Center, The Don Mottin Sports Hypnosis Training Center, and received her NLP training from Dr. William Horton. She also spent over two decades studying with her mentor, Dorothy Gates, Ph.D., who is internationally recognized as an authority in child and adult development. She has done training with Paul McKenna & Marissa Peer. Laura stays on the leading edge of Hypnosis and NLP through research and regular attendance in continuing education courses. In her commitment to her expanded education, Laura has also completed John Childers’ Million Dollar Speaker Training and Tony Robbin’s Business Mastery and Unleash the Power Within training seminars.


Sought after by Olympians, cutting-edge CEO’s, public figures, various professional athletes, prominent physicians, award winning trainers, and parents of riders, Laura’s technique helps individuals at all levels of riding to improve the mind and body to create positive outcomes from working together regardless of age, health, or wealth of the individual.

Laura has been a speaker and trainer for many sports training events, including multiple engagements for the United States Equestrian Team Foundation(USET), The United States Equestrian Federation(USEF), Robert Dover’s Horsemastership Class, and Lendon Gray’s Winter Intensified Training for Dressage For Kids.

Fun with the successful and fabulous Laura K at her 40 Over 40 Campaign portrait session. Photography by LuAnn Warner-Prokos at Warner-Prokos Photography

Laura has written and published seven books, and created workbooks and online course curriculums. She has also written and recorded over 300 self-hypnosis  MP3’s covering topics such as stress management, peak performance, public speaking, overcoming illness, and much more.

In her equestrian-themed book and the online course, The Power to Win, Laura explains how the use of self-hypnosis and NLP can easily help anyone conquer fear, build confidence, and obtain unprecedented success. She also teaches individuals how to utilize their minds to make lasting beneficial changes and truly achieve their personal best.

Another of Laura’s sought-after books and upcoming online courses is Perfect Enough. In this book and the subsequent online course,  Laura helps her readers realize that we are all “perfect enough” exactly where we stand today. Her premise is that until you can accept where you are in the moment, you are not truly ready to move on and make the changes you desire.

The Power To Win, Perfect Enough and The Perfect Enough Companion Book walk you through the process of evaluating your perceptions and experiences around vital areas of your life. The next step teaches you to access your powerful subconscious mind to produce desired permanent changes using self-hypnosis and NLP. When used with the companion MP3 series, Perfect Enough serves as your “virtual life coach” to walk you through the process of positive personal growth.

Summit Logo Laura

Combining her education as Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, and experience as an equestrian, Laura also developed the online course, Emotional Intelligence for Trainers and Coaches, which helps equestrian coaches and trainers do their jobs successfully while enjoying it more.

Also drawing on her personal life experience and education, Laura developed the Mindset for Your Ideal Weight online course, which utilizes self-hypnosis and NLP to overcome the pitfalls of the traditional weight loss

Laura leads the team of Certified Hypnotists at her Summit Hypnosis and Wellness Center, which offers in-person and virtual one on one coaching, Mp3’s, books and customized tools for advancing in sport and life.

When it comes to education, experience and success rate, Laura King is one of the industry’s brightest stars, but it is her dedication and commitment to helping others and leading by example, that puts Laura in a league of her own.